On Monday morning I took the kids to school as normal. First I take Calvin to his play area and get him settled and then I take Alayna over to her playground and stay with her till the bell rings. Well I was with Alayna when all of a sudden I hear Calvin's voice, so I turn around and see him standing there with a tissue in his mouth and an outstretched hand. He is saying "Mommy, I lost my tooth!" and sure enough his little tooth is in his hand.
Now this seems like a nice story about a kid loosing his first tooth, but that would be too boring for the Bakazan family! See, the problem with this scene is that his tooth was NOT loose, not even a little loose!
So I ask him "Calvin, What happened?"
Calvin responds with THE biggest smile on his face: "Mommy, Cameron kicked me and the tooth fairy is going to come tonight!"
If I wasn't in shock, I might have actually thought it was cute. He was so excited and proud and was showing anyone who would look that he had lost his tooth. Meanwhile, I'm freaking out a bit! First of all his not loose tooth has been KICKED out of his head and I am not really sure how concerned I need to be about that. Secondly I am holding this little tooth in my hand and scared to death that I might loose it before I get home and that he will never forgive me for it!
I took him to the school nurse who assured me he would be fine and then I took him to his class to start the day and informed the teachers of the situation. At this point I head home still not clear on what happened. Once I got home, and my head cleared a little, I realized I might want to go ahead and take him to the dentist anyways. We went right after school; they checked it out and all was fine.
By the end of the day, we also had figured out what happened. He and his friend were swinging on this bar taking turns kicking each other, and apparently the last kick made it's way to Calvin's face. Now his friend is almost twice his size, so if anyone was going to get hurt in this game it was definitely going to be Calvin. Clearly he was just as much to blame for this as his friend was, and did get in a bit of trouble for it.
Oh what a day! All part of having boys I suppose. Here is the little bruiser without his tooth!
The tooth fairy did come, and left $5 and 1KD! Pretty generous fairy if you ask me!