Saturday, December 5, 2009


This year for Thanksgiving we hosted some of the people that work with Ryan as well as a few of our American friends. It came to a total of 18 people (14 adults and 4 kids). It was perfect, because that was exactly how many chairs I had!
From Thanksgiving and random

A few months ago Ryan saw they had turkeys at the PX, so he just decided to grab the biggest one they was 28lbs! Here is the before picture:
From Thanksgiving and random

We are very glad he grabbed it when he did though. The only turkeys that were left the week before Thanksgiving were tiny little breasts.

The cooking all went according to plan and the turkey was done right on time.
From Thanksgiving and random

The kids looked so cute and they were so excited for all the company to come.
From Thanksgiving and random
We had the obligatory kids table, which meant they had a lot of fun, but didn't eat a whole lot!
From Thanksgiving and random
It was just a wonderful day with such a great group of people, and we were so thankful that they all chose to spend the day with us.
From Thanksgiving and random
We feel so blessed and thankful this year that we have so many great friends in such a foreign land.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

It looks and sounds like it was awesome!