Saturday, July 30, 2011

Proud Momma

We went to Splish 'n Splash water park at Camp Humphreys here in Korea twice this week. It is about a 30 min drive from here. The first time we went Calvin was so excited to go off the high dive, but I really thought he would chicken out when he got up there. Boy was I wrong! The boy didn't even hesitate!

Then we went back this weekend with Daddy and then Alayna decided she wanted to try the low dive. She did hesitate, but did great and went back for more.

Calvin also worked on his dives off the low board and did amazing!

And then the most amazing thing happened.....Alayna wanted to try the high dive! And it took her two try's but she did it!

They both spent the rest of the day going off the boards. I couldn't be prouder of my two little swimmers!

1 comment:

Brad, Brooke, Abigayle, Rebekah and Indy said...

You're back! Yipppeee! :) Oh I loved that little ol' water park! Glad you are out & are already exploring. Can't wait to hear all about the fun you're having!