Monday, July 25, 2011


My kids had their very first sleepover the end of July. We have been blessed with fantastic neighbors here. After we had been here about a week, and were reaching our breaking point, there was a knock at the door. It was our neighbors here to introduce themselves, and guess what? They had a son who is the same age as Calvin and a daughter a little younger than Alayna and her name is Elaina!!! So they have all become best friends and the girls have to use their first and middle names so we know who is who; we have our Alayna Jane and then Elaina Paige. It is so adorable! What an answered prayer!

Ok, back to the sleepover. The girls were here at our house. They got to have pizza and brownies a la mode.

Then they watched a movie and had popcorn.
Meanwhile the boys were next door doing boy things. Which of course includes playing Wii.

Now let me tell you something about a sleepover......not a lot of sleeping happens! Lets just say it took DAYS for us to recover from the lack of sleeping that night. Oh well, the kids had a blast and that's what summer days are all about.

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