Monday, January 19, 2009

This Weeks Quotable Quotes

Well it turns out I didn't take too many pictures this week and it was overall a boring week. But I do have some funny quotes to pass along.

Ryan brought home some new Dora Band Aids and Alayna saw them and said:

"Daddy, I am going to get hurt real soon so I can use these!"

Calvin had kind of a rough week at school last week and was quite sad going to school each day. On Monday (his 2nd day of school for the week), I said "Calvin you love school, why are you so sad?" His answer:

"But Mommy, I love you more than school." And my heart melts.

Today I picked up Calvin from school(by the way he is doing much better this week) and this is what I found:

"Mommy I'm Dooku, and this side is Lightning..."
From 2009-01-19

"And this side is Force Push."
From 2009-01-19

Ok, in case you aren't the mother of a little boy, that is a Star Wars reference he is making. Lovely isn't it?!

Today I finally got my hair cut for the first time since we got here. And the final quote of the day is from my friend Anita: "Hey there Sassy!"
From 2009-01-19


Brad, Brooke, Abigayle, Rebekah and Indy said...

Hilarious quotes & super cute hair! What more can you ask for? :)

Scott, Sarah, William, Daniel, Colin, and Sam said...

Kids are too funny!! And, WOWSA on the hair!

Unknown said...

Cute cute kids! And that hair is Sassy! I love it, I miss you guys so much!! Call me or email me soon, we need to catch up.

momof2in09 said...

Your haircut is cute! You got a lot off but I like it!;-) Do u have Alyssa's blog? It is