Sunday, April 26, 2009

Before & After

My wonderful husband gave me my birthday present a little early this year....

A Laptop Computer with Photoshop installed on it!

I was so excited when he gave it to me and I have been having so much fun playing with my pictures in Photoshop. I still have a lot to learn, but I already am loving the editing possibilities. So here are some before and after shots, let me know what you think.

From Photoshop before and after

From Photoshop before and after

Not a huge difference, but added some color and light.

From Photoshop before and after

From Photoshop before and after

Did you know not all Black and White edits are the same?

From Photoshop before and after

From Photoshop before and after

Lots more color! Still needs work on the eyes though.

From Photoshop before and after

From Photoshop before and after

How great is that picture! Like Father Like Son.

From Photoshop before and after

From Photoshop before and after

Only small changes, but I think it makes it a little softer.

From Photoshop before and after

From Photoshop before and after

Wow, genetics is a powerful thing!

Ok, so thanks for playing along! Can't wait to hear what you think. I promise I can take a little criticism ;)


Scott, Sarah, William, Daniel, Colin, and Sam said...

Love the edits, especially the softening around the edges. Makes them look professionally done!!

Brad, Brooke, Abigayle, Rebekah and Indy said...

Awesome...which Photoshop is it? I wish I would take the time to mess around with editing more! How has your learning curve been? How are you figuring all of it out? Looks great! :)

Anonymous said...

I LOVE IT!! I want photoshop now! Beautiful pictures dawn. You are so talented!

Carri said...

Dawn those are awesome!!! What great memories you have captured.