Saturday, April 18, 2009

Little Ted

Calvin was the "Star of the Week" at school this past week! He was so proud. They get presented with a certificate in front of three year groups (3 classes each) so it is a pretty big deal. The best part though is the Star of the Week gets to take home Little Ted for the weekend. And since it was spring break Calvin got to keep Little Ted for the whole week. And when you have Little Ted you are suppose to bring him with you every where and take pictures so you can add it to his journal that travels with him.

He went to Happy Hour at the Embassy.
From Little Ted

He enjoyed Easter with us.
From Little Ted

He went on lots of play dates with us.
From Little Ted

Then we went to "the fun place" and Little Ted joined us there as well.
From Little Ted

From Little Ted

Overall, I think Little Ted had a good week with us. Calvin even took him to bed with him every night. Calvin is going to miss him when we have to take him back to school.

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