Sunday, April 26, 2009

Where Did My Baby Go?

From 2009-04-26

Look at that, there is almost no baby at all left in that face. It's like you wake up one day and your baby is gone and replaced with a little person with their very own personality.
From 2009-04-26

Independent and strong-willed.
From 2009-04-26

I love the person she is becoming.....tough as nails, but without losing all that girlyness. Never missing an opportunity to twirl.
From 2009-04-26

From 2009-04-26

(Notice how short that 4T dress is on her already. She has grown an inch since Christmas!)

Alayna is growing up so quickly, but she will always be my soft and sweet Baby Girl!
From 2009-04-26


Scott, Sarah, William, Daniel, Colin, and Sam said...

She's so pretty!! Can't believe how big she's gotten since we've seen her.

Brad, Brooke, Abigayle, Rebekah and Indy said...

Yes, after celebrating 2 birthdays this month, I agree with every word! My babies are not so little anymore...

momof2in09 said...

I know what you mean..I think that when I see Emily now..she is 5 1/2 and starts Kindergarten this fall!