Monday, November 2, 2009

I was so excited that my best friend in the world, my BFF, my Bestie - Mona,
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was able to fly in for a long weekend and hang out with me at my parents cottage. NO KIDS!!! Thank you to my parents for keeping my kids and Mona's husband Eric for staying home with her boys.

She did get to see my kids briefly while we got them settled in at Nana and Papa's house. And since Mona is Alayna's Godmother, or as Alayna says her "Fairy Godmother" it was nice that she got to see them. And she was able to give Alayna her birthday present in person which was nice too.
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After the kids were settled in we headed north to the cottage and some peace and quiet! It was bliss!!! We cooked together and drank wine together.
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We just relaxed and laughed and shopped, and talked and talked and talked!
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It was such an awesome weekend, and we even got to see a great sunset.
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And just so we all know she was really there, we had to put her in the shot!
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Thanks for coming Mona! Love you lots and can't wait to be up there with the whole family next time!
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(yes, we are in our pjs! Did I mention we were relaxing?)

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